
My Experience for Exploring the AIC Website

I saw a clear guide on the homepage while I explored the AIC website. It’s easy for me to find out what I want to visit. I think this website is so nice and convenient for people who want to visit the museum or know something about art. Not everyone has time to visit the museum, and the visitors may not have enough time to go through all part of the museum. The artwork that you are Interested in may not display while you are visiting. The website can help you know what exhibitions are showing and understand some information before visiting. You also can see the artwork that are not display on the website. It’s interesting that you can create your own collection on the website. In a word, it’s an interesting experience for exploring the AIC website.


Artists toolkit - images

By Paul Gauguin - Tahitian Landscape
The fall field is always warm .

By Francois Jourdain - The White Cat

Artists toolkit - Color

-The Tree, The Life-
I used different shapes from small to large and different green in this picture. I want to show the different step for a tree, and it is same with our lives. Different steps have different color for tree, different steps have different experience for us. The tree is growing, and we are growing.



    Last Wednesday, I visited the Chicago Cultural Center with my classmates and teacher. I saw the exhibition Eugene Eda's Doors for Malcolm X College. Eugene“Eda”Wade who was born in Baton Rouge is a painter, print-maker, sculptor, and muralist. He designed those doors for MX College. From the introduction, I know that the door murals depict subject matter from African and African-American history and culture. I noticed that he used some lively colors in each door. Some of them are flat and two-dimensional, and others have more of a painterly quality.
     I saw another exhibition “Hey You! Yeah You!” too. Art is in life, from live. This exhibition is closer to our real life. I remembered a funny art work, but I did.t take the photo. It uses several parts to make up a sense. I thought it’s a whole view in this art work at first, and all the people who are playing are in the same place. I found my first opinion was wrong later. This art work made up from some different parts. It’s a great idea. The picture is one of the art work in this exhibition, and it shows us a small and active city.   



My favorite color is blue. Blue is the color of sky and sea. When the sky is blue, we will feel happy, because we will have a nice weather today. Moreover, when we come to the seaside, the deep blue color seem has many secrets. Many people think that blue stands for sad, but I believe that It's a color of mind and calm.

The photo is taken by me in the end of a Chinese movie which called To the Fore. Rainbows, which include many kind of colors, usually stand for nice meanings. A rainbow appeared in the sky when it cleared, and success appeared after you try your best.

Artist Project/Video


This video is about Maya Lin who is a famous designer and artist in the world. I introduce some information about her in the video, includes her education, her artistic life, and her honor. After watching this video, you can learn more about Maya Lin and realize how great job she did. The background music what I choose is Kiss The Rain, from a famous Korean Musician Yiruma. This music is expressing a natural and comfortable feeling in a summer raining night. I chose this music as a background music, because both of this song and Maya Lin’s works can let me feel natural, comfortable, and touched.

Artist Project Ⅲ - Chinese Contemporary Artist: Qiulin Chen

Qiulin Chen, one of famous Contemporary artist in China, was born in 1975 and graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2000. I chose...