
Film' s reaction - A strong clear vision

I am interested in Maya Lin because of her famous aunt at first. Her aunt, Huiyin Lin, was the first female architect in China and joined to
design the People's Hero Monument in Tiananmen Square. After I watched the movie “A Strong Clear Vision”, I realized that Maya Lin was a legendary woman as well as her aunt. The movie focused on three of her artworks, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Civil Rights Memorial, and
The Women’s Table. The story of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial made a big impression to me. She loves nature and our environment, so she usually designs an artwork to mingle the environment instead of breaking it. Although most people agree and praise with her design now, she has suffered many disagreements, criticisms and insults since her design was announced.
Many people protested her design because the design was looking unusual, was not following what they thought, and was reminding them of the painful war. What was worse, they attacked Lin because she was a Chinese American even she never lived in Asia. I am admiring her creativity, and admiring her courage and persistence more. I can’t imagine that how she could insist her own idea under a huge pressure. She always insisted the memorial is created for people and not for politics, and she also believed that people just could recover from the pain after they could face the fact. Therefore, she refused to add another idea into her design. She might not predict that there were a lot of criticisms after she proudly got the prize of the competition. 

Time certifies that she was right, and The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was a great artwork. I hope I can have courage when I am in trouble or under pressure as well as Maya Lin. A strong and clear vision gave her chances to succeed. Going through the criticisms and pressure, she has become a bloomy flower in architecture.


Blog - Museum Team Project

    The link below is a PowerPoint for our team project.
There are four parts in it. The first part is the basic information about the Loyola University Museum of Art. 
The second part is about the exhibitions which are showing and more detail for the special one. The third part is the interview with a staff. The last part is the interview with visitors. Both of us had a nice experience in this trip. 



The Reflection of AIC Museum

I had a great trip in AIC Museum on Wednesday. I visited the museum with Gitte and my classmates. The first artwork that we watched was “Paris Street; Rainy Day” which was drawn by Gustave Caillebotte. 

I felt a strong European style from this painting because of the buildings, the clothes, and the umbrellas. Then, “A Sunday Afternoon on the La Grande Jatte” by George Seurat was in front of us. This artwork was painted in 1884. I noticed that half of this painting has sunlight and half was in shadow. Moreover, most women in the painting wore a hat with flowers. I saw many warm colors in this painting, and I thought that the painter might use the compare between light and shadow to express the war was over and hope were coming. Then, we looked around the works by Van Gogh, and there are some carvings by Pail
Gauguin in the same room. I remembered that they were good friend at first, but they argued and didn’t contact anymore. The painting by Van Gogh which I had a deep impression was his “Self-Portrait”. He used dark colors to finish this painting that I could feel his sad and oppression. We also saw the artworks by Claude Monet and Paul Gauguin in different gallery rooms. My favorite painting in AIC Museum is “Sky Above Clouds IV,
1965” that was drawn by Georgia O’Keefe’s. The clouds which near visitors were big, and the far clouds were small. In this painting, clouds which don’t have regular shapes looked like some rectangles. I thought that was a frozen lake surface at first if I didn’t know the name. The painting “The Old Guitarist” by Pablo Picasso also attracted me. An old, poor and weak guitar still held his guitar. I realized that he had deep love on guitar and music. Then, my partner Jeremy and I chose “The Red Armchair”, one of Pablo Picasso’ s artworks, for our team presentation. It was drawn on December 16,1931. The first thing I focused on was the different
colors and shapes on left side and right side in the painting. And the woman who sat at the chair seemed have two faces. We believed that it stood for his two different styles and he was changing his art style to Cubism at that time. We also wrote a short poem for it. It was a great experience though it was snowy when we left.

Strange, weird
Luckily directly Inadvertently
In front of me
Quietly sit lonely
Amazing Mysterious
The red Armchair

Artist Project Ⅲ - Chinese Contemporary Artist: Qiulin Chen

Qiulin Chen, one of famous Contemporary artist in China, was born in 1975 and graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2000. I chose...